How One Man Refused to Give Up on a High Caste People Group


How One Man Refused to Give Up on a High Caste People Group

God has been doing amazing things during the pandemic year. In spite of lockdowns and difficulties, His Kingdom is advancing among the unreached! Talking to a South Asian church planter recently, Raj* told me of significant breakthroughs in their area this past year. Some of these are among very unreached high caste Hindus peoples.

Raj shared this account of what has been happening.

For almost eighteen years I have been praying for high caste people to come to Christ. I’ve planted several churches but they were mostly among lower castes and the poor,” he told me.

This church planter had seen growth and multiplication in some unreached groups. He longed to see breakthrough among every unreached group in his region.

He continued his story…

I asked myself. Why are high caste people not coming to Christ?” he queried.

Then, he described the pressure and persecution they faced from anti-Christian groups nearby. “The Hindu fundamentalists come and accuse us. ‘Why are the Christians in your church only poor and low-caste uneducated people? You are manipulating them. They don’t know any better, so they are converting.‘”

When asked how this affected him, I was a bit surprised by his answer.

When I heard their accusations I felt sad. It forced me to intercede more for the unreached peoples, especially those who are from Brahmin or Kshatriya castes. I cried out to God and prayed continuously for them to come to faith. Earnestly, I prayed for God to open the doors of their hearts.

Lockdown Brings Change and First Fruits

During the lockdown, things began to change. We started ministering to two families who were from a high caste group. They have both now believed and taken baptism. They are doing very well in their faith and growing day by day.

My friend, Raj*, told me more about the circumstances where these families and others have come to faith in Jesus. I was not surprised to hear that it was a miracle that opened their hearts to Jesus.

Miracle for a Childless Couple

“We got to know a new contact in an area not far away. A young family was married for ten years but had not been able to conceive. They visited many doctors and many Hindu gurus (Babas) but nothing changed. They were so discouraged with their situation and longed for a child. This chronic situation caused them great grief and sadness.

“The couple first heard about Jesus through one of our faithful believers. We have been training everyone to share the message of Christ. As one family from our fellowship did this, the couple was interested to hear more. They came to the home of the believer and shared their problem in depth. Our believers, both husband, and wife, together prayed for them. This happened about ten months ago.

“They mobilized others to also pray for the couple. They called me and asked me to seriously pray, which I did.

“After one month of regular prayer, the wife got pregnant! Now they have a beautiful baby boy. They asked us to name their son and we called him Abishek (Anointing). Our God is a faithful God who listens and answers prayer if we believe in Him!”

The other family had also come to faith in Jesus after experiencing healing and deliverance. After hearing Raj’s story, I thought to myself – others need to hear this! I was challenged and inspired by what he had said.

Continuous, Persevering Prayer

One of the things that stood out to me as I listened, was that this YWAM church planter had been willing to pray long and hard until the breakthrough came. He prayed consistently and faithfully for many, many years for this people group before he saw the first fruits.

Persecution Spurs More Prayer

Rather than getting offended when the Hindu fundamentalists accused him, my friend let it move him to his knees. Persecution and attack made him pray more fervently for the lost. He allowed it to set him on fire in his prayer closet, until the breakthrough came.

Training Everyone and Involving the Community

This church planter was also faithful to train every disciple to share with others and pray for miracles. It wasn’t only the pastor or missionary, but ordinary believers God used to share the message of hope with this couple. After praying, they called the community to intercede with them for the miracle to come about. Then, they all shared in the joy and welcomed this new couple into the family of God.

The high caste Hindus of Northern India and across South Asia are sometimes considered a resistant people group. Yet many have never had a chance to hear the message of God’s love in a way they can easily relate to and understand. God is working among them and drawing them to himself.

Would you pray with us for High Caste Hindus to encounter genuine Jesus followers who can share the story of Christ’s love with them? Pray that God will call them to Himself and enable them to put their trust in Jesus.

Jesus said the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. The Joshua Project lists Brahmin groups as some of the most unreached and unengaged of India. Who will go and spread His love to them? Maybe God is calling you! Find out more about high caste Hindu unreached peoples here.

Are there groups around you who have never heard the message of Christ? How could you reach out in love and friendship to them this week?

*Name has been changed to protect his security.

Comments: 2

  1. Becky says:

    Great article guys. I miss our collaboration. Blessings to you and your families!

  2. Jubilee says:

    It is very urgent prayer and action to preach the Gospel for them!

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