“Christians need conversion to missions as much as a sinner needs conversion to Christ.” – A.T. Pierson
The church is deeply in need of informed people to call them back to simple obedience to the commands of Jesus. He told us to take His gospel to all nations and peoples.
Many believers are not active in sharing their faith with others or engaging in fulfilling the Great Commission. This must change. Many remain who have never had a chance to hear the good news of God’s love.
Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We are to pray for the number of harvesters to increase and grow. The problem is not that the harvest isn’t ripe. The real issue is that we don’t have enough people engaging in bringing in that harvest!
In YWAM Frontier Missions, we value each person’s role in seeing Disciple-Making Movements (DMMs) started among the unreached. Some people are amazing at evangelism and church planting. Others are gifted trainers of trainers. There are also some of us who feel particularly called to “sound the trumpet” for the unreached. Our primary role is to mobilize harvesters into the fields.
If that is you, we need you in YWAM Frontier Missions!
Are you good at social media? Love Instagram? Enjoy networking with others? Are you passionate about reaching those who have never heard and excited about seeing Disciple-Making Movements get launched in new places?
Please sign up below on the form and we will get you started in connecting with us as a YWAM Frontier Missions mobilizer!
In the meantime, go for it! Trumpet this cause far and wide! The unreached must hear of God’s love!